Visiting our Codelco partners

Abr 19, 2024


To continue strengthening collaboration between The University of Queensland and one of our strategic partners, CODELCO—Chile’s National Copper Corporation, two experts from SMI-ICE-Chile’s Environmental Rehabilitation and Ecosystem Dynamics team, Felipe Saavedra Mella and Jacques Wiertz, had the worthwhile opportunity to meet with CODELCO’s El Teniente Division to discuss the environmental management challenges and opportunities it faces. 

Accompanied by their peers from Codelco, the SMI-ICE-Chile team visited the Caren reservoir and the Loncha experimental farm to get a glimpse of the state mining company’s reforestation program. 

«It was a really interesting visit and we are very grateful to the Environmental Director, Héctor Castillo Gavia and the Head of the Environmental Management Unit,Carmen Gloria Valenzano Reyes, for their warm welcome and for generating this space for collaboration between industry and scientific knowledge,» commented Felipe Saavedra. «We are committed to continue strengthening this bond to find innovative solutions that drive sustainability and development in the mining industry.» 

«We strongly believe in the power of collaboration and applied research to address the most pressing challenges facing industry and our society, and to continue to strive for a more sustainable future.» 

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