Fernanda Caro Beveridge


Línea de Investigación: Rehabilitación ambiental y dinámicas ecosistémicas

Fernanda es PhD en Ecología de Semillas en la Universidad de Queensland, y magíster en Restauración Ecológica a Base de Semillas de esta misma universidad. Titulada de Agronomía con mención en Ciencias Vegetales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, sus áreas de interés se centran en la restauración ecológica, la biología y ecología de semillas y la conservación de flora nativa. Fernanda ha enfocado su trabajo en la comprensión de los potenciales impactos del cambio climático en la regeneración de las plantas, con la finalidad de desarrollar estrategias efectivas para la conservación y restauración de comunidades de plantas nativas.

Artículos científicos

  • Yang C, Nguyen VA, Nulu NPC, Kalaipandian S, Beveridge FC, Biddle J, Young A, Adkins SW (2024) Towards pathogen-free coconut germplasm exchange. Plants 13: 1809.
  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Cave R, Kalaipandian S, Adkins SW (2024) Interactions between seed functional traits and environmental factors and their influence on germination performance of Australian native species. Seed Science Research: 1-16.
  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Cave R, Kalaipandian S, Haque MM, Adkins SW (2024) Environmental effects during early life-history stages and seed development on seed functional traits of an Australian native legume species. Biology 13: 148.
  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Cave R, Kalaipandian S, Adkins SW (2023). Seed morpho-anatomy and germination enhancement of the Australian native species Lomandra longifolia and L. hystrix (R. Br.) LR Fraser & Vickery. Applied Biosciences 2: 222-235.
  • Beveridge FC, Kalaipandian S, Yang C, Adkins SW (2022) Fruit biology of coconut (Cocos nucifera). Plants 11: 1 – 17.
  • Kalaipandian S, Mu Z, Kong EYY, Biddle J, Cave R, Bazrafshan A, Wijayabandara K, Beveridge FC, Nguyen Q, Adkins SW (2021) Cloning coconut via somatic embryogenesis: A review of the current status and future prospects. Plants 10: 2050.
  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Adkins SW (2020) Seed enhancement technologies to improve germination and emergence of Australian native Poaceae. Seed Science Research 30: 293 – 303.

Capítulos de libros

  • Adkins SW, Cave R, Beveridge FC (2024) An introduction: Botany, Origin and Diversity in Adkins S, Biddle J, Bazrafshan AH and Kalaipandian S (Eds) The Coconut. Botany, Production and Uses. CABI International.
  • Pandiselvam R, Khanashyam AC, Dakshayani R, Beveridge FC, Karouw S, Manikantan MR (2024) Harvest and Postharvest Management of Coconut in Adkins S, Biddle J, Bazrafshan AH and Kalaipandian S (Eds) The Coconut. Botany, Production and Uses. CABI International.
  • Kalaipandian S, Ramesh SV, Beveridge FC, Mu Z, Adkins SW (2022) Biodiversity for nutritive gains: Values, benefits, and threats 1-17 in Ramesh SV, Praveen S (Eds). Conceptualizing Plant-Based Nutrition. Bioresources, Nutrients, Repertoire and Bioavailability. Springer, Singapore.
  • Bajwa AA, Beveridge FC, Mahesh KU, Adkins SW (2022) Longevity of weed seeds in seedbanks 1206 – 124 in Upadhyaya MK, Clements DR, Shrestha A (Eds) Persistence Strategies of Weeds. John Wiley & Sons Inc, Hoboken, USA.

Otras revistas

  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Adkins SW (2019) Seed enhancement of Australian native species to improve seed-based restoration. Australasian Plant Conservation: Journal of the Australian Network for Plant Conservation 27: 11-13

Artículos en conferencias

  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Cave R, Kalaipandian S, Adkins. Post-anthesis maternal environmental effects on seed traits of the native Australian grass Heteropogon contortus (L.) P. Beauv. Ex Roem. & Schult. 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration 6 – 30 September 2023 (oral presentation).
  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Cave R, Kalaipandian S, Adkins. Interactions between seed functional traits and environmental stressors and their influence on seed germination of Australian native species. The 14th Biennial ISSS Conference 3-7 July 2023 (oral presentation).
  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Adkins SW. The effects of seed functional traits and environmental stress on seed germination of sub-tropical Australian native species used in seed-based restoration. 8th Chilean Graduate Conference 24-25 November 2022 (oral presentation).
  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Adkins SW. The impact of environmental stress on seed germination of Australian native species. Seed Ecology VII Conference 6-9 September 2022 (poster presentation).
  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Cave R, Adkins SW. Germination enhancement of Australian native species Lomandra longifolia and Lomandra hystrix using different mechanical and chemical treatments. SERA Conference 10-13 May 2021 (poster presentation).
  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Adkins SW. Seed-enhancing technologies to improve seed-based restoration using native grass species. Seed Ecology VI Conference 29-2 August 2019 (oral presentation).
  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Adkins SW. Seed enhancement of Australian native species to improve seed-based restoration outcomes. 12th Australasian Plant Conservation conference 11-15 November 2018 (poster presentation).
  • Beveridge FC, Williams A, Adkins SW. Enhancing seed-based restoration of Australian native species. National Landcare conference, 10-12 October 2018 (poster presentation).