Dr. Jacques Wiertz
Environmental Rehabilitation and Ecosystem Dynamics interim Leader
Jacques has an undergraduate degree in civil engineering and geology from Université de Liège, Belgium, and a PhD – Doctorat en Sciences Appliquées from the same university. He has over 25 years of experience in the mining industry as a research engineer, scholar and consultant, committed to sustainability. His main areas of expertise are biohydrometallurgy/bioleaching, environmental impact assessment studies for mining projects, mine closure planning, water management, geochemical characterization of mine waste and chemical stability of tailings deposits.
His areas of interest include sustainable mining waste management, water management, circular economy in the mining industry and sustainability indicators for the mining industry.
Journal Articles
- Montoya, C., Emery, X., Rubio, E., Wiertz, J. “Multivariate resources modelling for assessing uncertainty in mine design and mine planning, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 112 (2012): 353-363
- Escobar ⁎, S. Buccicardi, G. Morales, J. Wiertz. “Biooxidation of ferrous iron and sulphide at low temperatures: Implications on acid mine drainage and bioleaching of sulphide minerals” Hydrometallurgy 104 (2010) 454–458.
- Almendras, M., Wiertz, J. V., & Chamy, R. “Heavy Metals Immobilization in Contaminated Smelter Soils Using Microbial Sulphate Reduction”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 71–73 (2009), pp. 577–580, Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
- Wiertz, M. Mateo and B. Escobar, “Mechanisms of pyrite catalysis of As(III) oxidation in bioleaching solutions at 30ºC and 70ºC” Hydrometallurgy 83 (2006) 35-39.
- V. Wiertz and F.A. Marinkovic. “Dissolved pollutant transport in tailings ponds” Environmental Geology vol 47-2 (2005) 237-240.
- Meruane, C. Sahle, J. Wiertz and T Vargas. “Novel electrochemical-enzymatic model which quantifies the effect of the solution Eh on the kinetics of ferrous iron oxidation with Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans” Biotech. and Bioeng.. vol 80 (2002) 280-288.
- Escobar, E. Huenupi, I. Godoy and J.V. Wiertz: “Arsenic precipitation in the bioleaching of enargite by Sulfolobus B.C, at 70ºC”, Biotechnology Letters, vol. 22 (2000) 205-209.
- Escobar, E. Huenupi and J.V. Wiertz: “Chemical and biological leaching of enargite”, Biotechnology Letters, vol 19 (1997) 719-722.
- V. Wiertz and M. Gutierrez: “Arsenic: a Chilean approach”, Mining Environmental Management, Dec. 1996, pp 20-21.
- Escobar, E. Jedliki, J. Wiertz and T. Vargas: «The evolution of free and attached bacteria in the leaching of chalcopyrite with Thiobacillus ferrooxidans«; Hydrometallurgy 40 (1996) 1-10.
- Maturana, U. Lagos, V. Flores, M. Gaete, L. Cornejo and J.V. Wiertz: «Integrated Biological process for the treatment of a Chilean complex gold ore»; FEMS Microbiology Review, 11 (1993), 215-220.
- J. Neuburg, J.A. Castillo, M.N. Herrera, J.V. Wiertz, T. Vargas and R. Badilla-Ohlbaum: «A model for the bacterial leaching of copper sulfide ores in pilot-scale columns»; Int. J. Miner. Proces. 31 (1991), pp 247-264.
- N. Herrera, J.V. Wiertz, P. Ruiz, H.J. Neuburg and R. Badilla‑ Ohlbaum: «A phenomenological model of the leaching of complex copper sulfide ores»; Hydrometallurgy, 22 (1989), pp 193‑206.
Conference Papers
- Wiertz, D. Campos, D. Rubinos and F. Saavedra. “Tailings Storage Facilities Closure: Threats and Challenges”, Planning for Closure 2024, Santiago, Chile, 2024.
- V. Wiertz, D. Rubinos, F. Saavedra, D. Aitken and R. Valenta. “Sustainable Tailings Transformation: A new approach for tailings management”, Sustainable Mining 2023, Santiago, Chile, 2023.
- Ortiz, A. Pucheu, R. Ordoñez, y J. Wiertz, “Enfoque multidisciplinario para diseño y actualización de la medida de mitigación en los puquios del Salar de Llamara”, Watercongress 2022, Santiago, Chile, 2022.
- Aitken, N. Wight, L. Pagliero, F. Rivero, L. Campos, G. Garcia, C. Miraldo, D. Rivera and J. Wiertz. “How feasible are integrated smart water supply systems in the Chilean context?”, Watercongress 2021, Santiago, Chile, 2021.
- V. Wiertz y F. Marinkovic. “Transporte de contaminantes en depósitos de relaves de flotación”. XI Congreso Internacional de Industria, Minería y Metalurgia, Consejo Superior de Colegios de Ingenieros de Minas, Zaragoza, 2002.
- V. Wiertz and M. Gutierrez: “Arsenic management and disposal in the Chilean copper industry”, pp 593-602 in Environment & Innovation in Mining and Mineral Technology (Vol. II), M.A Sanchez, F. Vergara and S.H. Castro, eds. University of Concepción – Chile, 1998.
- V. Wiertz, S. Espinoza, C. Mendoza, M.A. Ruiz, E. Huenupi, J. Casas and B. Escobar: “Preliminary study of (bio)leaching process for enargite bearing ores and concentrates”, pp 141-153 in Environment & Innovation in Mining and Mineral Technology (Vol. I), M.A Sanchez, F. Vergara and S.H. Castro, eds. University of Concepción – Chile, 1998.
- V. Wiertz and I. Rozas: «Technological alternatives for the reduction of arsenic emissions in Chilean copper smelters», pp 289-297 in Clean Technologies for the Mining Industry, M.A. Sanchez, F. Vergara and S.H. Castro, eds. Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile, 1996.
- V. Wiertz, M. Gutierrez, Ingrid Rozas and T. Vargas: «Estudio de la distribución de arsénico en el procesamiento de minerales sulfurados de cobre y de alternativas para su manejo ambiental»; pp 234-243 in «V Encuentro Minero de Tarapaca», Iquique, 1995.
- Escobar, I. Godoy, E. Pardo and J.V. Wiertz: «Bioleaching of copper concentrates by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans at increasing pulp densidty», pp 271-281 in Biohydrometallurgical Processing Vol I, T. Vargas, C.A. Jerez, J.V. Wiertz and H. Toledo eds., Universidad de Chile, 1995.
- V. Wiertz, I. Godoy and B. Escobar: «Dissolved iron equilibrium in bacterial leaching systems», pp 385-393 in Hydrometallurgy 94, SCI-IMM, Chapman & Hall, London.
- V. Wiertz, P. Moya, A. Sanhueza and T. Vargas: «Influence of substrate polarization on activity of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in bioleaching», pp 395-405 in Hydrometallurgy 94, SCI-IMM, Chapman & Hall, London.
- V. Wiertz: «Ferrous and sulfur oxidation by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans«; pp 463-471 in «Biohydrometallurgical Technologies» vol II, ed. by A.E. Torma, M.L. Apel and C.L. Brierley, TMS, 1993.
- Vargas, J.V. Wiertz, B. Escobar and R. Badilla‑Ohlbaum: «The catalytic role of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in the leaching of pure natural chalcopyrite»; pp 229‑238 in EDP Congress 90 ‑ Extraction & Processing Division, ed. by D.R. Gaskell, TMS 1990.
- Herrera, D. Alfaro, B. Escobar, R. Espejo, T. Vargas, J. Wiertz and R. Badilla‑Ohlbaum: «The kinetics of sulfur oxidation by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans»; in «Biohydrometallurgy International Symposium 89», ed. by CANMET 1989.
- Castillo, M. Herrera, L. Herrera, H. Neuburg, T. Vargas, J. Wiertz and R. Badilla‑Ohlbaum; «Kinetic column leaching model for copper containing ores»; pp 211‑221 in «Biohydrometallurgy, proceedings of the International Symposium Warwick 1987», P.R. Norris and D.P. Kelly ed., S.T.L., 1988.
- Almendras, F. Arriagada, S. Bustos, L. Herrera, P. Ruiz, T. Vargas, J. Wiertz and R. Badilla‑Ohlbaum; «Surface transformation and electrochemical response of chalcopyrite in the bacterial leaching process»; pp 259‑271 in «Biohydrometallurgy, proceedings of the International Symposium Warwick 1987», P.R. Norris and D.P. Kelly ed., S.T.L., 1988.
Book Chapters
- V. Wiertz, I. Rozas and M. Gutierrez. “Arsenic distribution and integrated management in copper smelting and refining processes”. In “The Environmental Regulation of Toxic Substances: the Case of Arsenic in Chile”, A.M. Sancha and R.O’Ryan (eds.), Universidad de Chile (2004).
- Aguirre, J.V. Wiertz and R. Badilla-Ohlbaum: «An amperometric method for measuring iron oxidizing activity of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans»; pp 107-117 in «Bioleaching: from molecular biology to industrial applications», ed. by R. Badilla-Ohlbaum, T. Vargas and L. Herrera, University of Chile, 1991.
- Almendras, S. Bustos, P. Ruiz, J. Wiertz and R. Badilla‑ Ohlbaum; «Behavior of copper sulfide minerals under bacterial leaching»; pp 119‑130 in Cobre 87, Vol. 3: «Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy of Copper»; ed. by C. Copper, G.E. Lagos and G. Ugarte, Univ. de Chile, 1988.
- Frenay, J. Remacle, M. Crine, R. Matagne, J.M. Collard and J. Wiertz; «Microbial recovery of metals from low grade materials»; pp 275‑288 in «Recycle and secondary recovery of metals», P.R. Taylor, H.Y. Sohn and N. Jarret ed., Met. Soc. AIME, 1985.
- Frenay, J. Wiertz and C. Ek; «Contribution to the bioleaching study of complex pyritic ores»; pp 35‑50 in «Microbiological effects on metallurgical processes», J.A. Clum and L.A. Haas ed., AIME, 1985.