Dr. David Rubinos González

Scientific Leader

Line of research: Environmental Rehabilitation and Ecosystem Dynamics

David has an undergraduate degree and PhD in pharmaceutical sciences from Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain), with a specialization in ecology and postdoctoral studies in soil and water quality from the Institute of Food Research and Analysis at Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain). He has been part of the SMI-ICE-Chile team since 2018 and is currently the Centre’s Scientific Leader. He has more than 25 years of experience in scientific research, during which he has participated in several national and international projects, and authored numerous scientific articles in indexed journals. His main lines of research include (bio)geochemistry, (eco)toxicology and human health risks of arsenic and other toxic elements in environmental systems, chemical stability and reuse of mining wastes (especially Cu tailings and bauxite red mud), removal of toxic metals and metalloids in water and effluents, (bio)remediation of contaminated waters and soils, and impacts of particulate matter on the environment and communities.

Journal Articles

Book chapters

  • Rubinos, D., Díaz-Fierros, F. and Barral, M.T. (2011). Neutralization and decontamination of acid leachates using bauxite red mud. Mine Water–Managing the Challenges. (pp. 441-446) edited by Thomas R. Rüde, Antje Freund and Christian Wolkersdorfer. RWTH Aachen and International Mine Water Association. ISBN 978-1-897009-47-5.
  • Rubinos, D.A., Devesa-Rey, R., Iglesias, L. and Barral, M.T. (2010) Redistribution and potential mobility of arsenic in polluted river sediments under pH changing conditions. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (pp. 1021-1025) edited by Bargańska et al. Published by Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland. ISBN 978-83-928986-5-8.
  • Rubinos, D.A., Devesa-Rey, R. and Barral, M.T. (2010) Speciation analysis of arsenic in polluted river sediments as influenced by redox conditions. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (pp. 821-825) edited by Bargańska et al. Published by Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland. ISBN 978-83-928986-5-8.
  • Arias, M., López, E., Núñez, A., Rubinos, D., Soto, B., Barral, M.T. and Díaz-Fierros, F. (1999) Adsorption of methylene blue by red mud, an oxide-rich byproduct of bauxite refining. (pp. 361-365). Effect of Mineral-Organic-Microorganism Interactions on Soil and Freshwater Environments edited by Berthelin et al. Kluwer Academic/Plenum publishers, New York, Springer, Boston, MA. ISBN: 0-306-46216-8.
  • Rubinos, D., Vilaboy, K. and Barral, M.T. (1999) Quantitative determination of zeolites in red mud by a cation-exchange capacity method. Analytical Methodology in the Environmental Field. (pp. 359-360) edited by Darío Prada, ed. Diputación Provincial A Coruña. A Coruña, España. 1999. ISBN 84-89652-89-9.
  • López, E., Soto, B., Rubinos, D., Díaz-Fierros, F (1999) Un método para el muestreo automático en avenidas. Avances sobre el estudio de la erosión hídrica. (pp. 299-306) edited by A. Paz González and M.T. Taboada Castro. Colección Cursos y Congresos. Universidad de La Coruña, 1999. ISBN 848969434-6.
  • López, E., Soto, B., Rubinos, D., Díaz-Fierros, F (1999) Un modelo conceptual para la estimación de la carga de sólidos en suspensión a partir de la escorrentía (pp. 307-324) edited by A. Paz González and M.T. Taboada Castro. Colección Cursos y Congresos. Universidad de La Coruña, 1999. ISBN 848969434-6.


Supervised Thesis

  • Efecto de biofilms en la retención y especiación de As(V) y As(III) en sistemas acuáticos. Febrero de 2014. Estudiante: Karla Mariuxi Villagrán Andrade. Programa Máster “Medioambiente y recursos naturales”. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España.