Planning tool for integrated water systems

This project was developed by MC Inversiones Limitada (subsidiary of the Mitsubishi Corporation), SMI-ICE-Chile, the Sustainable Minerals Institute and researchers from the University of Antofagasta and the Universidad Católica del Norte. The project team identified the need for tools to communicate and analyze the opportunities provided by integrated water supply systems. The project developed these tools and used them to engage decision makers and other stakeholders in exploring integrated water supply options for the Atacama Region of Chile.

The vision behind the project is the widespread development of integrated water supply systems that increase access to all users, minimizing unit costs and socio-environmental impacts associated with the supply and use of the water resource.

The purpose of the project is to support the transition from individual water supply systems that increase pressure on single sources, to integrated systems that allow optimization of resource use.

Modeling Tool

Designed to allow users to enter potential scenarios based on water demand at multiple locations, and explore potential integrated water supply solutions optimized to minimize environmental impact and cost while transparently visualizing trade-offs.

The process is made up of three steps:

Step 1 – Scenario development (node ​​configuration)

The scenario definition includes the location of the nodes (water sources, demands, junction and storage nodes), volumetric water demands, source capacities, source type and the type of demand. The result of this step is the node configuration.

Step 2 – Spatial Optimization (Identification of Least Cost Paths)

Spatial optimization algorithms in ArcGIS PRO are used to find the least cost pipeline paths based on a specific cost layer. The cost layer is composed of economic and/or environmental and/or social costs, which are selected and combined as specified by the user.

Step 3 – Network optimization (optimal water supply network)

This step identifies whether a given network route of all connections is used and, if so, how much water is transported and the related economic, environmental and social costs . Optimization algorithms are used to find, within the network of all connections, the optimal water supply routes under a set of specific conditions and the optimal configuration of water sources.


Simplified tool

It is a publicly available online tool aimed at educational institutions and non-experts. The goal of this tool is to educate the public on shared water infrastructure concepts and enable initial exploration of integrated water supply solutions.

During the project a series of prototypes were developed and refined with feedback from stakeholders. The tool allows you to compare solutions with different levels of planning: individual solutions (light blue); connection to existing infrastructure (blue); and optimal pre-planning (green).

Deploy tool

Collaborate with us

Through the complex modeling tool, our Center offers the opportunity to carry out studies and advise companies interested in optimizing and evaluating future scenarios of integrated water supply in the areas in which the various users of the resource are located.

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